Filming started one year ago! We will have many updates at the start of 2023, and are making it our mission to shoot, edit and present all of the 1999-2000* scenes by year's end.
* Don't know what that means? You will.
Sarah Grace Sanders and Jeffrey Gilbank lead a large ensemble cast. Click the image to the left for more details, including additional cast and crew members, as well as exciting developments.
On three New Years Eves across twenty years, a couple
discovers the fascination of having nothing in common.

Our newest short is in the latter stages of preproduction, gearing up to film in very early 2023.
Outrageous fun -- and perhaps a new holiday classic in the works?!
Starring Charlie Leder, Andrew Rothkin & Bettina Skye

Prominent Atlanta gay bar owner Cameron "Cam" Palone relocates to the Nation’s Capital to take over a community watering hole, Uproar Bar, which he inherited from his uncle. Misunderstandings and hijinks ensue.
I am delighted to be a part of Commodore Independent Filmworks’ hilarious episodic, UpRoar.
I have written the script for one episode and am currently at work for a second one.